Pepper spray has a long history of being used as a reliable self defense tool by law enforcement, citizens, and sportsmen. This non-lethal tool requires no physical contact and allows the victim to adequately protect them without resort to force.
Pepper Spray for Aggressive Dogs
A well-known veterinary message board recently posted a note from a woman regarding pepper spay use. It seems that this woman was out walking her own leashed dogs when she was attacked by three, unleashed animals.
This woman and her animals got away without fatal injuries, but there are too many similar situations where the victims are not as lucky. Loose, aggressive dogs are a serious threat that leaves many people feeling helpless.
The first targets of these animals' attacks are usually other domestic animals and small children. For this reason, most vets and safety officials do not recommend sending children out alone to walk the family pet.
Everyone who has lost a beloved animal to an aggressive dog, or who has suffered their own injuries, will tell you that if there was something they wish there was something they could have done.
Even more frightening is the fact that aggression in domestic animals can be caused by rabbis, a dangerous and potentially lethal disease spread to humans by infected animals.
One of the easiest solutions for protecting yourself, your pet, and your children from aggressive dogs is to carry a small canister of pepper spray. With one quick spray you will able to deter the attacking dog and return your family to safety.
Pepper Spray for Hunters
Hunters are one of the most loyal consumer groups when it comes to pepper spray products. This is because they recognize the simplicity of the product and appreciate its reliable protection.
Your first thought may be "why do not the hunters use their guns?" Of course the hunters are carrying weapons, but their guns are not actually a reliable source of self defense when a bear attacks. Instead, hunters carry two forms of protection – the gun for when they are hunting the bear, and the pepper spray for when the bear is hunting them.
In fact, statistics indicate that human-bear encounters are less likely to result in a person's injury when firearms are not used.
Pepper Spray in Coyote Country
There are some areas of the country where wildlife and human life come in close contact every day. In these areas people rely on pepper spray to protect themselves should the wildlife get too close for comfort.
If you live in an area where wolves, coyotes, or bears are a dangerous threat, then you are likely living in fear every time you, your child, or your pet ventures outside. A simple and effective way to protect yourself would be pepper spray. This tool ensures that a wild animal attack will be able to deter it long enough to return your family to safety.
Source by Barry L Jenkins