If she looks the slightest bit, like a gal who wears lipstick, even occasionally, then she should have one of these pepper sprays disguised as a lipstick in her purse or pocketbook. It just might come in handy one day, and as we like to say, “It is better to have one and not need it, than to need one and not have it!”
Did you hear the story a few months back? About the lady who was just getting into her car at a parking lot, and some creep opened the passenger door, and hopped in, and said “Hey Sexy, where are we going?”
“Do I know you?”
“Not yet, but you’re going to.”
“Well, then let me please put on my lipstick and look more presentable, sounds like we’re going on a date.”
“You should open your door a minute, because after the lipstick, I am putting on a spritz of perfume, but it takes a minute for the car to air out.”
“All-rightie, baby!”
She reached into her pocketbook, took out a lipstick pepper spray, removed the cap, and sprayed the heck out of this guy’s face. He starts coughing, joking, and with his eyes closed, he is yelling, “What did you do to me?”
The lady quickly swiveled in her driver’s seat, and with both legs, gave him a heave-ho, right out of the car, and onto the pavement, and then she took off, with tires squealing, and the passenger door, just closed itself from the jolt of the car.